
Yesterday I had such horrible sweet cravings all day, gahh!! Plus I felt SO hungry all day. Didn't matter how much water I drank, I felt starving. Maybe that salad for lunch was a bad idea, not enough calories or protein to keep me full! We have left over pork from dinner so that will be lunch today.

Got my exercise in this morning, it was hard, I wasn't feeling it so I really had to force myself to put everything into it. When I realized I was just kind of standing there, doing the movements but not moving, I turned it off and just went into my ab workouts. Crunches, side crunches, 30 second planks. Push ups, leg kicks, weight lifting. Fitbit says 350 cals. better than nothing but I'd like to see 400. I really need to get to 600 or so a day. I think I need a treadmill. When I get burnt out on the videos I like to jog, I like to put my music on and go for it. It clears my mind and gives me a break from the kids. I know it doesn't burn as many calories, but it does help work on endurance, which is an issue for me. But right now, it's so hot out and humid and, the bugs!!! Oh man, I have at least 50 bites right now. I have to wear long sleeves, which is on top of my doubled bra and super spandex shirt (to hold the gals down) so it's like REALLY REALLY hot to go out in run in that. I feel like I'm going to have heat stroke so I don't make much more than a mile. With a treadmill I could run inside, with a fan on me and in my underwear if I wanted lol! So I'm gonna look for one this week. Need to find somewhere in my room for it.

Hoping to see 205 Sunday.  Praying, starving, begging and honestly just the thought makes me want to go jog right now lol. I think if I only see a pound this week I am going to try to switch up my meals. I'm going to eat a good breakfast, fast lunch, eat dinner. Right now I do coffee and fast till lunch, then dinner. I've read that eating a bigger breakfast actually helps with your metabolism. So maybe that's what I need to do. My issue is that at 7am, I don't want eggs and bacon, I want a slice of chocolate cake. That's why I do my coffee, it's sweet and gets me through. But maybe I need to train my body away from that.

I will say I had been feeling kind of like I was doing a lot and not seeing it. I can see some loss in my face and neck but that was it. So late last night I decided to try on some clothes in the bottom of my dresser. I own 1 pair of full length jeans. They are my "professional" jeans haha, it's what I wear to any event where capri's and tank tops are not appropriate (unless it's dress appropriate). Those jeans with a dressy shirt and some flats, looks pretty good. Issue? I haven't been able to wear them because they were too tight! I could get them up but it gave me ridiculous muffin top and hurt so bad to sit! So I got them out and put them on - COMFORTABLE!! They slid right on, without even having to unbutton them and felt great! I even was able to pull my tank top down and NOT see muffin top!! That made me feel great. So I grabbed my bootie shorts, I am a Bermuda/capri girl but I keep a pair of regular shorts for the beach, splash pad ect. I call them bootie shorts because I would never wear them out for a day just shopping. They also, were tight. I couldn't get those on at all. Guess what?! They slid right on!! And were loose in the legs! I was looking in the mirror and though - I could wear these out, they looked ok! My legs are looking better. Not as jiggly, not as cellulitey. Hubby said he had noticed it in my legs and butt so maybe that's where my loss is. After that I decided to look at my pictures I had taken at 1 week and 4 weeks. At glance, I couldn't see a difference. But I zoomed in and inspected and there is a difference in my stomach area and the biggest on - my back fat. That has improved greatly! Also in my face and neck. So I guess I AM shrinking I did notice I can suck my stomach almost flat now, I haven't been able to do that since the girls were born. I'm really excited to see what things look like at 190lbs. I'll take pics again at y 199 goal!


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