Why would he do that?!

My husband wanted to do the grocery shopping this week, he had friends coming over so I said yes because I always screw up and buy the "wrong" meat. He calls me on his way home and asks if that was a larger shopping list than usual? I told him well, with the kids home I am spending a bit more needing more snacks and stuff through the day - while the kids wouldn't normally snack at school they sure do at home! He asked how much I expected that to cost and I said oh 225-250. He said oh ok. Gets home, I see the receipt - $350!!! The kids are helping him unload and I think I had a mini seizure as they were hauling in - a case of hugs, boxes of capri suns, chocolate dipped granola bars, DONUTS, popcorn, chips, boxed mac and cheese. SO MUCH JUNK! I was mad, I was like omg, I've worked SO hard to get them weaned off all this crap and you just filled the house with it! I asked him - were you hungry when you shopped? "Yes". EAT FIRST. No more. Nope. He lost his grocery shopping privileges! Not only is it all stuff I don't want our kids eating, but it's horrible temptations for me!!! DONUTS for crying out loud?! Ughh!!!

Sunday after that we cleaned and cooked for company. I had a burger WITH a bun, and a scoop of mac and cheese. I considered that my "cheat" for the day since we didn't go to DQ.

Monday was bad, my own fault though. Had a playdate at 11 and I should have fed myself and the kids before we left but we got busy and before I knew it was 10 30 and we rushed out the door. The kids played longer than I expected - 2 1/2 hours, so when we left, we were HANGRY. I had not had breakfast either and I had worked out so I was like super extra hangry. We went to walmart and got the kids a pool, it was heavy and a workout just getting through the store with 4 kids and a huge pool box. On the way home they were all begging for food so I caved and went to BK. I got a burger and I ate it. Then that night DH and I went out for hibachi and had rice. So not good. But I'm not gonna beat myself up too much. Life happens.

Back to the grind today. Getting ready to do a workout. Husband is off for a week on vacation which makes it hard, I don't like an audience. May wait till he leaves for lowes to get wood, we're enclosing half of the back living room for a 5th bedroom. It's a pretty useless area, had a big bar that we never used so we figured we would use it more as a bedroom than a bar.

Also thinking about changing my weigh in day to Monday. I've noticed that my weight is always down on Mondays. IDK why but every week this happens. Maybe that's my reset day, maybe my body likes to drop a pound off after a cheat day. But Monday I was 205 on the nose! My new mini goal is to hit that 199lb mark by July 4th, I think I can actually do that!


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