Bagels & Bread!

Oh how I miss these two things!

I found this recipe for low-carb bagels made from fathead dough, I went to the store with my toddlers and bought my $13 a bag almond flour while they freaked out in the cart and came home excited to make it.

 Only to realize, I forgot the cheese.  *sigh*

Got the mozzerella cheese yesterday and when my alarm went off this morning all I could think was...


So they are very easy to make. Melt the cheeses in a pan, it doesn't turn liquid-y, it just becomes a big clump of cheese goo. I threw that into my kitchen aid mixer, added the egg and mixed those then the flour and baking soda.

I sprayed some non-stick oil on saran wrap, plopped the dough down and chilled it for about an hour - because that's how long it took to get 3 of 4 kids off to school.

Came home, lubed up my counter and divided the dough into 8 portions, rolled them into logs, curled them into a circle and baked! The recipe said 12 minutes at 400 degrees. I made mine smaller so I started with 10 minutes and then went ahead and decided to add the extra 2 because the recipe says they're not chewy like regular bagels so I thought over-cooking would maybe give it that. It didn't. Just gave me an almost burnt crust.

They're thinner than I expected and because I didn't make them full size they got lost in my toaster, but they're OK. Don't really taste like a bagel, but I put some cream cheese on and closed my eyes and it was good. I'd eat it again. I plan to actually, tomorrow.

While we're on the bread making front... Last night we had chicken garam masala, you can find that recipe here, it was interesting. The cumin really overpowered the other flavors so if I made it again, and I may, I would cut the cumin in half or leave it out entirely. Otherwise, I loved the bell peppers in it, a little sweetness really set it off. I wish the cream was thicker but that's ok. The best part though, was this naan bread recipe, we made to go with it. Oh My Gosh. My husband couldn't get enough. I had to cut him off! Luckily the recipe doesn't make much.

Now the recipe, let me tell you now - it's WRONG! Do not pour 2 cups of water into it! It will be a sloppy mess and not work. I learned the hard way and wasted a lot of expensive ingredients on that mess up. 1 cup of hot water and add it slowly, mixing until  it's the consistency of play dough. I don't think I ended up using even a full cup of water. It doesn't look like much and you'll probably think there is no way it's going to make enough but you take a small amount and roll it really thin and fry it, it rises amazingly and gets crispy and delicious. We will make that again, for sure! 


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