3 months!

First, I'll say I'm pretty proud that I've lasted THREE whole months. I've never lasted on a diet more than a week or two. 

I'm not making the progress I want though, I really wanted to see 2lbs a week at least. It's just not happening lately. I seem to have 2 or 3 weeks where I don't lose much then I'll drop 4lbs in a week. So maybe that's just how my body works but it's still not the steady loss I wanted to see.
It's hard because I don't see the pay off from my work each week and it's disappointing. I can't decide if it's my thyroid coming back to haunt me (I'll get to that next), maybe I'm not eating enough calories or maybe I'm still eating too  many?! I don't know.

The last few days I've been struggling with energy REAL bad. I'm just laggy, I've been wanting to nap after lunch everyday. It feels kind of like my thyroid is crapping out on me. So I'm thinking I may have to go get it checked. But being on meds doesn't help, I still feel awful on them! But, I've got a list of chores I need to do but my motivation is in the red. I hate it! I start working tomorrow and I was really hoping my super-energy I've had would get me through these long days but it's going to be rough if I feel this blah tomorrow. I'm having to really force and push myself to do my workouts and even then I'm only getting 30ish minutes in a day before I'm just wiped. I told my husband I actually feel like my stamina is getting WORSE, not better. I think I'm going to run tonight and see if I can boost myself up or something. 

Along with the laggy feeling comes the snacky feeling, I want to eat - junk. I've been good to fight it but the urge for chips and candy and crackers has been rough! 

Right now my next goal is to lose 10lbs by August 24th, which is when we go on vacation. That's almost 8 weeks away. So a little over a pound a week and I should hit it. It should be EASY! If I do, I'll be in the 180s! Hopefully working helps me, I'll be working 1pm-9pm (maybe a little later) 4 days a week so that is PRIME SNACK HOUR! So I won't be snacking because I'll be working.This is not the kind of job where you can snack while you work either. And this month will be physical work, lifting heavy things, lots of up and down. I am planning to pack my lunch because the only close options are McDonalds, Wendys and a race track. No thanks. Come August I'll work 4pm - maybe 10 or 11, or hours in between there. It's part time so I won't see anymore than 30 hours, but I am hoping they keep it right about 28 because that puts me making about $1000 a month which will be nice extra money!


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