
Showing posts from April, 2018


Very disappointing weight loss this morning. 1.8lbs I know 1-2lbs a week is "normal" and good! I guess I just figured giving up so much- no soda, no candy, not eating junk food that I would drop a lot of weight, quickly. I probably cut 1000 calories a day out of my diet and I added exercise! I was really hoping to see that 4lbs a week for a while, not a pound and a half. People are like - well watch the inches, that's where you'll see it! I don't. Nothing is looser or smaller. I guess it's only been two weeks. It's also auntie p's monthly visit week so maybe that's some of it. I worry that my thyroid is holding up losing the weight too, not currently on meds and really don't want to be because they make me sick but I may end up having to. I'm going to keep going, still doing my exercise and this week I'm going to keep better track of my calories. I know people doing Keto usually don't but I will mostly likely need to stick to

You have to try this!

I decided I was going to add exercise to my routine and I have, but a couple days ago I found the most fun workouts, ever!! I've always found myself incredibly bored with typical workout videos, a bunch of grueling exercises that make me want to shut it off and go eat a donut. So I hit youtube and I do like the popsugar ones, but even that was getting old and boring. So I was thinking, well what if it was exercise choreographed to my favorite songs? I typed in "feel it still dance exercise" (Feel it still by Portugal. The Man is my favorite song, maybe ever) and the first video to come up was this one by The Fitness Marshall, after I got past my hysterical laughing watching it the first time I decided to try it and guess what?! It's so freaking fun. I look and feel like a total dork, but a dork having fun. It's only 3 minutes but I was sweating after 3 minutes, I ended up doing it a second time and a third. Then I found other songs I love ( Meghan Trainors'

Bagels & Bread!

Oh how I miss these two things! I found this recipe for low-carb bagels made from fathead dough, I went to the store with my toddlers and bought my $13 a bag almond flour while they freaked out in the cart and came home excited to make it.  Only to realize, I forgot the cheese.  *sigh* Got the mozzerella cheese yesterday and when my alarm went off this morning all I could think was... BAGELS So they are very easy to make. Melt the cheeses in a pan, it doesn't turn liquid-y, it just becomes a big clump of cheese goo. I threw that into my kitchen aid mixer, added the egg and mixed those then the flour and baking soda. I sprayed some non-stick oil on saran wrap, plopped the dough down and chilled it for about an hour - because that's how long it took to get 3 of 4 kids off to school. Came home, lubed up my counter and divided the dough into 8 portions, rolled them into logs, curled them into a circle and baked! The recipe said 12 minutes at 400 degrees


Weighed in this morning, down 4.2lbs! Not bad considering I did not watch calories at all this week, did not exercise at all. Just simply cut my carbs down a lot.  Hubby lost about 4lbs also so that's good too! This coming week I am adding exercise! I started yesterday, youtube has so many videos for free. I really like the popsugar exercise videos. They have a ton of 15 minute ones that work great for me.  I did this one yesterday, while I'll admit I didn't break much of a sweat, but my legs felt the burn at the end.  This morning I did this one, using mostly the modified moves, and I broke a sweat and needed to stop twice for water.  I am going to do a second tonight, I ate half a blueberry bagel w/ cream cheese for breakfast, terrible, I know. 24g of carbs. If I were doing full keto I would have ruined it for the day! But I am aiming for 50g of carbs so I'm going to have to be super careful the rest of the day. I love bagels and wanted to make some keto

I feel good & tomorrow we weigh in!

It's only been a week but I feel great. It's odd to say that. I had been suffering from some really bad fatigue that I just don't have now. I expected that giving up soda cold turkey would about kill me, but I don't even miss it. I'm drinking sparkling water with lemon and I'm liking it. Hubby is drinking diet or coke zero but I can't, one of our diets failed because I got really sick with aspartame poisoning. I had no idea you could get that but it took me a couple weeks off the diet coke to feel better. I swore never again. I wake up at 6am and I don't feel groggy going to turn my alarm off. I get up and I don't crave sweets like I used to. I used to start my day with coffee and something sweet - oatmeal cream pies, left over brownies or cake or pie. If I didn't have any of that I'd have 3 slices of toast with butter and tons of honey or jelly. I've been skipping breakfast and eat a snack around 10am - usually plain yogurt with stev

Day 3 and I crashed.

So they say that people often get "keto flu" starting a extreme low-carb high fat diet. BOY HOWDY. I got so sick on day 3! I couldn't move. I had the worst headache, body aches, cranky miserable wanted to kill everyone. Whew! It was rough. But the next day I woke up feeling great.

My Garlic Cauliflower Mash Recipe

Not to toot my own horn, but my cauliflower mash is AMAZING. Better than potatoes. You'll never go back! Trust me!  Plus it's super easy! Try it! 1 head of cauliflower 1-2tbs of fresh minced garlic (or more, if you like garlic) 2tbs butter Heavy cream (you'll pour this to your liking, but I've never used much) Salt & pepper to taste You will need a food processor, or something similar. Wash & break apart cauliflower, discarding any green parts. Tear apart cauliflower into big chunks and put into a boiling pot with 1 inch of water. Cook until very very tender, almost mushy. Remove, put into strainer and allow it to sit and drain for at least 10 minutes, you really want to get as much water as possible out. Give it a shake, even squeeze if needed to get excess water out.  In a small skillet or the empty boiling pan, put your butter in and melt on med-low, add garlic, cook for 1-2 minutes. Put cauliflower into processor and turn on low. Add garlic

Week 1 menu & shopping

Meal plan for this week: Salmon w/ dill sauce Sides: cauliflower rice, asparagus and broccoli Chicken with tomato, bacon, pepperjack cheese and spinach. Side: salad  Cheese shells tacos . Side: salad w/ avocado lime dressing hamburger steak w/ mushroom gravy Sides: cauliflower mash and green beans Grilled chicken side: grilled veggy kabob Sausage, shrimp and veggy stir fry. We always eat out on Saturdays so that will be a challenge, we usually order pizza or chinese and neither of those are good options.   Our haul, not 100% keto but the kids were eating some alternatives to things we were going to eat because we knew they wouldn't like it (ie:asparagus is not a hit for anyone but me). This was $180, enough for 8 people to eat for a week, including lunches and breakfast.  Chicken with bacon, spinach, tomato and pepperjack cheese. We served with a salad w/ ranch. It was delicious. We made extras and put them in lunch containers so that's what I had for

Here we go... (again)

My husband and I have decided to lose some weight again, our goal is 50lbs. We've tried so many diets and failed every time. Usually we don't even make a week. The calorie-cutting, salads all day, feeling starving just doesn't last. We both have much more motivations this time, my husbands weight has gotten out of hand to the point he struggles putting on shoes or bending over. He realized it's ridiculous that he struggles to put his shoes on. For me, one of our two year old twins took off running for the road a few weeks ago and I couldn't catch her. I got close enough to tap her shoulder and she fell, thank god, otherwise she would have been in the road. A 45mph road. I couldn't believe I couldn't catch her. Plus after I felt like I was going to die, it took me half an hour just to catch my breath from the run. Ridiculous. Previous diets we've just tried to cut calories and eat clean, but the recipes are like - 2 cups of salad with lime juice and c