

Stuck at 193! I had hit that 189 but promptly bumped back up to 193 and I've just been stuck there. Not gaining but not losing. Not eating the best either. Need to get back on it. Been fighting headaches and sinus pain for a while. I think it's the awful weather, just doesn't make me real motivated to do anything. Plus it's been so ungodly hot! The heat index has been over 100 every day. It's just miserable. You can't stand to go outside or do anything. From about 8am on it's just yuck! Still yucky at 10pm. I can't wait till the temps come down. Other issue is that maybe my health issues lately - well I'll explain that first. I was over a week late this month and finally it showed and it was bad! I was bleeding so heavily one day I was dizzy and couldn't stand or walk. The headaches, the sore feeling throat, the just super exhaustion... it all screams thyroid. I could rush off to the doctor and get meds, which would bump me for a while but then

Did it!!

I hit my goal for our trip, weighed in at 189.8 the day we left, WOO HOO!  However, my weight has been hanging at 193 since we got back. Could be the bad eating of the trip, the bad eating this week, the pre-period weight I always seem to gain OR all of the above. Coming back I expected to have life calm down, but it hasn't. Between me working, kids in school and stuff that needs done I feel like I'm just inches under water but can't quite get to the top for that air. I get home around 10 30 or 11, I eat because I'm starving, I haven't eaten since 11am. Watch some tv and go to bed. I get up at 6 30am and I'm just dead. I'm dragging all day, when I'm lacking energy my body wants to eat - and never anything good so I've been having junk food and rice crispy treats. It's bad. I've been drinking FAR too much diet soda. No water, no exercising. I've got to find a way to make this work. I think I need to start packing a lunch for work, so


That goal may happen by Friday, we'll see! Was at 191.8 this weekend!! Up a little this morning (water fluctuation drives me nuts!) But these are the things that happened over the weekend: I bought a pair of size 16 pants!!! Yes, SIXTEEN!!! I can't remember the last time I wore a 16!And they fit comfortably, not tight. I tried on swimsuits and didn't want to cry. I was able to try on a LARGE!! Not an 2xl or a 1xl or even an xl, a LARGE! Granted, my boobs weren't having it lol. They are still an XL. But my butt and mid-section fit in a large!  I found a swimsuit I feel comfortable enough to wear on the beach without a cover up!  I shaved my lady bits and could actually SEE what I was doing! No mirror needed! We leave Friday for our beach trip. I have memories from the last beach trip, I felt good in my skin till we got home and I looked through my pictures and thought - omg, I'm a moose! I was horrified by how I looked.I was so big, fat pouring out of


Been working a lot, busy at home. Tired. Sick. Blah. Not getting in workouts. Eating bad. But somehow, still losing weight. 193 this week! 4lbs to my goal which is supposed to be next Friday so maybe... MAYBE I'll make it.  Kids went back to school Monday and it's been crazy! Then last night was my first night at work with school, I figured getting home so late I'd feel like crap today but not so much. Feeling pretty OK. So once I get everyone to school I will go ahead and get in half an hour of exercise. Shower. Get ready for work again!  Hubby asked me if I felt comfortable going to the waterpark yet, I said yes. I think I finally do! I need a new swimsuit though, mine are all way way too big!!! 

Why didn't I do it sooner?!

After my post this morning I was feeling crappy because I haven't worked out in a while (July 25th was my last workout) and I'm just kind of derailing, been eating carb loaded granola bars for breakfast and pizza for dinner. Not good. So I was like, you know what? I'm gonna do a workout, even if it's just 20 minutes. So I put on 20 minutes worth. The first one I'm coughing, spitting mucus, thinking I'm gonna suffocate in my body with my fluid filled lungs. But then as I started sweating and breathing it cleared up, I stopped coughing. I felt good! I still feel good. Got in over 30 minutes, burned over 300 calories and I feel good! I just have to do it!!!! It always makes my day better! I also need to find a breakfast food I can eat with my coffee. I really like the oats and honey crunchy granola bars but at 29g carbs... ouch. Guess I need to do some googling. But even at 29g carbs, I can still stay on track if I'm careful. I work today so I'll be packi

Can't kick the sick!

I just can't seem to kick this damn cold! Coughing up tons of mucas, headache, sinus pain, congestion. Ibuprofen does nothing for the pain. Doesn't even take the edge off. Awful. I haven't felt like doing crap lately. I'm just barely cruising through life and work. My store opens next week, I'm scheduled to work a 13 hour day. I pray I am better by then!!! The whole week is going to be crazy, lots of stuff happening at work. My kids have all their meet-the-teacher events. I need to go supply shopping, clothes shopping. But I've just been too sick to do anything! Husband keeps telling me I need to go to the doctor, but for what? To be told it's a virus and will go away on it's on in a few weeks, because that's what will happen. Or given antibiotics that won't help a virus and just make me have issues in other ways (antibiotics and me don't mix!). Just waiting it out. It's been almost 4 weeks now! I haven't been eating good or trac

Work and workouts!

I did manage to get in a workout yesterday and I went to work. I ended up burning about 4000 calories. First half of my work day was boring and slow but the second half I was up and moving and walking and got in almost 150 active minutes! Supposedly next couple of weeks we're supposed to see 4-5 days a week on the schedule (vs the 2 we're getting now) and they'll be busy, hopeful for that! I like that it keeps me on track with food, it keeps me moving and it's $$$ in my pocket! Still fighting this awful cough though, may have to break down and see a doctor about it! Blah!! But I have been noticing things... my work pants are loser every time I put them on. Shirts that used to fit kind of tight are loose, I can wear shirts I haven't worn in years again. When I look in the mirror I can see some change. In my legs and stomach area. I can't wait to see what changes another 20lbs brings! 175 was my goal, which is just about 20lbs away, but I think I'll pr